Monday, June 15, 2009

Agility Class 6/15/09

Good class this evening. We're continuing our focus on the following:
Acceleration / Deceleration
Handler Focus
Tighter Wraps on jumps

After several exercises we ran a course with some tricky spots needing obstacle discrimination. Slider handled the course very nicely and I did not loose him in the tricky areas. I had really nice obstacle discrimation where the obstacles were layered... so I was really pleased with his performance. We had one really difficult angle on a jump to the teeter. I was really concerned about him not hitting his contact. I had seen a couple of the dogs jumping up onto the side of the teeter... missing the contact. Slider collected himself nicely and hit his contact!!! Added bonus is that it was a new teeter that he handled with ease the
1st time. The 2nd time he hit the contact but hesitated at the pivot, as if his brain just realized hey this "teeter is different". He worked thru it nicely and we worked the teeter later in the evening with no problems and I did a jackpot reward just to keep him up. Overall, I was extremely pleased with his performance this evening!

Hoping to get over to the field over the weekend to work the teeter more and repeat some of the exercises that we did this evening.


Deb said...

Sounds like a good class! Devon says, "Go big brother" on the teeter!!

Kathy said...

Hey Deb & Devon! It was a great class!!! Question - have you ever done NADAC?